Happy Christmas Eve, Snack Army!

It's been one yummy and busy month - We've flown around Europe, (When not in Tesco) to France, Germany and Italy with enough British Turkey in the sleigh to top Tezza himself. There may have been lows of crappy Chocolates and ghastly Gingerbread Bevvys but these moments have been far outweighed by the highs of, life changing Panettone, the Festive Sammie of dreams, fancy Parfait and the 8th Wonder of the World that is the Yule Log - Not to mention, the shock of the year.. The M&S turnaround!
This journey has seen me quite possibly buy the Supermarkets out of their entire stock of festive snacks which I would say is an impressive achievement considering the 2319 variants of every single possible food type, ever made, ever. I fear there will be nothing left for any of those loopy, last minute shoppers but at the same time, feel reassured that I have eaten enough to get through Winter hibernation.. For the next 3 years - Although we all know that between now and New Year, the Christmas time snacks will still be well and truly, free flowing without a single "No thank you" from me!
So who is ready for the big day tomorrow? Are the presents all wrapped and crammed under the tree? Is there more food in your cupboards than you could possibly eat? Are there numerous extended family members in your house with one who you haven't an actual clue who is? I really hope so to all 3 and do really hope you have enjoyed Snackmas and getting that little bit more festive with your resident Snack Warrior.
Now turn off the Tech and go Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - May it be filled with nothing but love, joy, everything you ever wished for and most importantly.. Delicious Food!
I canny believe it's the end of Snackmas. It's been a journey cupcake snack warrior *insert special emoji* xx