Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The 24 Days of Snackmas

Happy Holidays, Snack Army!

I don't want to alarm anybody but tomorrow is the 1st of December.. Already. Everyone take a deep breath and relish in the peace and quiet whilst you still can.. Who am I trying to kid, of course I want to put the frighteners up you! Get a grip, get excited - It's Christmas, you bunch of Cotton-Headed Ninny-Muggins! 

With the annual festivities well under way at my end thanks to being a self professed, enthusiastic elf of all things Yuletide, naturally I am soaking up this time of year. From baking up a dried fruit storm to trips to every garden centre in the country, reaping in the decorative delights to bursting into merry melodies at any opportune moment, it is safe to say I am a sucker for this time of year and as MSW would say.. When a lot of us come alive and really do shine. 

This can mean only one thing.. Yes, Snackmas is back! A festive food review will be coming at you every day for the next 24, until the arrival of the Big Man is imminent. We've got Puddings, we've got Popcorn, Chocolate, Crisps, Coffee, Curd, more Cheese than you can choke on and what I'm branding, "The FFF".. Festive Fast Food! There will be no need to get your tinsel in a twist with the obligatory all time favourites of Sammies, Panettone and Stollen chucked in a long the way for good measure and combined with classic Christmas flavours.. I am hoping there's something to please everyone!

So are we all ready to Rudolph? Are you now excited? You best be. Don't make me come over there because I will. Santa doesn't just see you when you're sleeping or know when you're awake.. He knows if you've been bad or good so get into Snackmas for goodness sake! See you tomorrow, Folks! 


  1. And I'm going to comment on all 24 posts! You will be sick of me by Xmas ;-)

    1. Haha that's what I like to hear! I reckon you need a name though.. We can't commit to a festive fling with you as Anonymous! xx

    2. No - I wish to remain anonymous, seriously!

    3. Bit oh so serious for Snackmas but okay! xx

  2. I'm ready to Rudolph... Now I'm not entirely sure what that involves... but if it's festive English snacks then I am DEFINATLY down for it or up for or it whichever one is more fitting for this snackmas adventure!

    1. Up, down, sideways, backwards! Nice to have you onboard the sleigh, Sarah! :D xx

  3. Replies

  4. How dare you post this while I was out shopping! I need some smelling salts now because I just fainted from all the excitement!! Haha xx

    1. This is what you get for not telling me your every movement! You've brought this on yourself Butty! Haha. I'll get wafting! xx

    2. It's okay, cake will suffice. Preferable with a lot of alcohol in ;) xx

    3. That can be arranged ;) xx

  5. Wow that's a lot of movement all in one go.lucky I'm not known for my motion sickness.
    Plus a bonus sleigh ride , this really is getting more adventurous than I first thought ... I was thinking I could just settle in with a cuppa in hand on my comfy couch all the way over the pond in Australia and enjoy your witty reviews but now I have to seriously consider how I am possibly going to be able to hold onto all my festive snacks whilst on a sleigh ride AND rudolphing it up ... but rest assured I'll figure it out

    1. Now would be a bad time for the old motion sickness to kick in, wouldn't it? Haha. Oh no no no.. Things get pretty wild here. It's hard to say what's coming next really! I have every faith in you, Sarah - You strike me as a woman who's got her s**t together! Roll on the next 3 weeks, thats what I say! xx

  6. As long as the four main food groups are represented - candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup!

    1. Have you passed through the 7 levels of the candy cane forest and through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops to get to me, by any chance? :D xx

    2. And then I had to walk through the Lincoln Tunnel, before finally arriving! :-p

  7. Can't wait! I loved it all so much year - you'll be getting lots of drooling comments :) Thanks for all the effort that goes into writing your posts; there're always so well written.

    1. Ah I am so pleased to hear that! - Fingers crossed that there is something that appeals to each and every member of the Snack Army! :D Oh stop it, you're making me blush! :D Thank you for such a lovely comment xx

    2. AARGH, I'M the one blushing! You're so lovely.

      And it's December 1st and I can't wait for your post - what'll it be...?

    3. NO, you're so lovely! Hehe. Not long now.. ;) xx
